Bottle Water Coolers and Accessories
Alternative™ Bottled Water Coolers
- WQA/UL/CE/AFI Certified
- Hot/Cold or Cook/Cold
- Floor Model or Table Top
- White or Charcoal
- High Density PE Cabinet
- Tomlinson Valves/Child Safety
- Formed Stainless Reservoir

All Alpine® equipment is tested and certified by the Water Quality Associaiton under ANSI/NSF #51.

Ceramic and Glass Dispensers - Certified Lead Free

Blue Stripe - #1000

Floral - #1710

Plain - #1010

Aztec - #1720

Blue Glass - #1777

Cup Dispenser - #8100
(1x1 dispenser #8400)

Oak Floor Stand - #2100

Oak Table Stand - #2500

Crock No Spill - #4000